Friday, October 2, 2009

Feng Shui and Health

Your Health Star in Feng Shui

In the traditional Taoist view, good health results from a dynamic, balanced interaction of the elements in our mind, emotions and body. The elements, in the Taoist system, are expressions of interrelated polarities called Yin and Yang. The elements, called Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal, generate and destroy one another, and correspond to such things as time, space, light, color, climate, the organs of the body, and so on. For example, Water corresponds to winter, night, North, cold, black, and to the kidney and bladder functions as well as to the brain, nerves, teeth and bones and to general sexual functioning. In its relation to the other elements, Water is generated by Metal, generates Wood, destroys Fire and is destroyed by Earth. The Five Elements are qualities of Chi, or energy and describe kinds of movement. For example, Water freezes and flows, Wood stretches and grows, Fire expands and leaps, Earth draws together and balances, and Metal contracts. Movement happens because of the changing interrelations of Yin and Yang. Everything arises and ceases through the interrelations of Yin and Yang. When Yin and Yang become still, Chi resolves into Tai Chi, or the Source of all things. The Tai Chi itself resolves into and arises from Wu Chi, or absolute, infinite no-thing-ness.
Illness comes from obstructed Chi. Obstruction happens when the flow is harmed. Health is regained when the natural flow is restored. This is a basic principle in Chinese medicine and Feng Shui.
In traditional Feng Shui, the condition of Chi in a person's life is discerned by Chinese astrology. While there are several systems of Chinese astrology in existance, there are two that are used in Feng Shui. They both derive from the Taoist theory of Chi, Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements. The two systems are Chui Kung Ming Li, or nine-star astrology, and Ba Tzu, or eight-word astrology, also called four pillar astrology. Both of these astrological systems are extremely ancient. And while they both should be used together, almost everyone in the West who claims to use Chinese astrology in Feng Shui, uses only the nine-star astrology. Almost no Westerner knows Ba Tzu fully. This is because Ba Tzu can only be done in Chinese characters and with a special kind of Chinese astrological ephemeris. Beside it being an excellent way of telling the future, the most important thing in Ba Tzu is that it reveals a person's vital element. The vital element, also called the spirit of the chart, is the element that the person's life depends on. Based on this all-important bit of information, a Feng Shui expert is able to set up a person's space so it supports the person's health correctly. This is highly technical and it takes a lot of time to study and learn.
In the nine-star astrological system there is, however, an easy way to calculate an element that benefits a person's health. A star that balances your birth star-element, your Health Star has a corresponding direction in space and color. Because nine-star astrology is a numerological system, it is easy to translate into Western terms. In addition to Ba Tzu, I always use nine-star in my work. It is elegant and effective. To find your Health Star you first need to find your Birth Star. The calculation differs for males and females. Here is a basic table:
The Birth Star of a female born in 1968 is 1. A male born in 1968 is 5.
The Birth Star of a female born in 1969 is 2. A male born in 1969 is 4.
The Birth Star of a female born in 1970 is 3. A male born in 1970 is 3.
The Birth Star of a female born in 1971 is 4. A male born in 1971 is 2.
The Birth Star of a female born in 1972 is 5. A male born in 1972 is 1.
The Birth Star of a female born in 1973 is 6. A male born in 1973 is 9.
The Birth Star of a female born in 1974 is 7. A male born in 1974 is 8.
The Birth Star of a female born in 1975 is 8. A male born in 1975 is 7.
The Birth Star of a female born in 1976 is 9. A male born in 1976 is 6.
If you were born in a year outside this range, add or subtract 9 or multiples of 9. For example, if you were born in 1948, you would add 27 to get 1975. Or if you were born in 2004, you would subtract 36 to get 1968.

Your Health Star

The Health Star for 1 is 9 Fire. The Health Star for 2 is 6 Metal. The Health Star for 3 is 4 Wood. The Health Star for 4 is 3 Wood. The Health Stars for 5 are 2 and 8 Earth (note that 5 has two Health Stars). The Health Star for 6 is 2 Earth. The Health Star for 7 is 8 Earth. The Health Star for 8 is 7 Metal. And the Health Star for 9 is 1 Water.
Once you find your Health Star you can use it for aligning yourself when you sit, meditate, stand for Chi Kung exercise and lie down to sleep. The correct way to align your self is to put the direction of your Health Star to your Back when sitting and standing, and to your Head when lying down. You can also wear or paint your room with the nine-star color of your Health Star to support your health. You may notice that the nine-star color scale is different from the five-element color scale. In the color descriptions below please note that I have included the five-element color, where it applies, after the nine-star color.
1 Water is North and white, also black or deep blue. 2 Earth is Southwest and black, also yellow. 3 Wood is East and light green or light blue. 4 Wood is Southeast and dark green or light blue. 5 Earth is not used as a Health Star. 6 Metal is Northwest and white or silver. 7 Metal is West and red, also white or silver. 8 Earth is Northeast and white, also yellow. 9 Fire is South and purple, also red or rose.

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