Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Changing your environment with feng shui

Changing your environment changes the way you see your life. If your life is stagnating or if you are anxious that your life isn't moving as you wish, short of moving out, change the arrangement of your home and see what happens. Moving is a drastic solution; it certainly gets things to change one way or another - at least until you find your way back into the same old stagnant patterns
Stagnation, the 12th hexagram in the Book of Changes, the I Ching, represents undesirable conditions at the end of summer. It is seen when the forces of Heaven and Earth move apart. It represents the consequences of over-expansion and extravagance. It gives an image of a bed-ridden man who is sick because he has been too ambitious. Another image of Stagnation is of people unable to cooperate. The I Ching says that stagnation allows evil people to succeed. It warns not accept help from exploitative and corrupt people.
How then do we get out of stagnation? First of all, it is most important to take inventory of where we are in our lives. In the traditional way, one gets one's Chinese astrological chart read to determine where one is, where one is going and how one can improve one's luck.
Once we know where we are and where we are going in life, by using feng shui, we can set about rearranging our home or opt to find a new home to improve our luck. Conditions in nature change constantly. The way you arranged your home last year or 10 years ago may not be working for you now. The energy has changed. You have changed. Nothing in nature stays the same. To dwell in a stagnant place that might have been a delight once upon a time stagnates your internal energy and brings about conditions you don't want. Chinese astrology shows how energy changes cyclically through life. Traditional feng shui is like a spacial analogue of Chinese astrology. By working with the energetic patterns shown in your Chinese astrological chart feng shui can is used to mitigate and propitiate those patterns by adjusting the space in which you live and work.
Even if you don't know anything about feng shui, rearranging your environment in a time of stagnation and uncertainty will jog your mind and help you get new ideas and find new opportunities. Short of a professional consultation, use your intuitive sense to change the way you have your home arranged just simply to let in the spirit of success. It is like opening the window to let in fresh air.
If you think of selling your house, in addition to fixing it up, simplifying its decor and making it as neat as you can, you may want to use a special color device to help get it sold. To do this you have to ascertain the compass direction of the front door. Reading the compass direction of the front door is done by standing with a compass in the doorway, looking out and noting the compass direction you are facing.
If your doorway faces North use purple on or within eyeshot of the doorway.
If your doorway faces Northeast use black.
If your doorway faces East use red.
If your doorway faces Southeast use white.
If your doorway faces South use white.
If your doorway faces Southwest use white.
If your doorway faces West use light green.
If your doorway faces Northwest use dark green.
The time to put your house on the market is always critical. If you want to the house to sell and not sit on the market forever it is best to determine the best day in astrology to put the house on the market. It is also very important that if you are determined to sell that you are absolutely sure that you are letting go of any attachments to the house.
If you want to do construction and add on to the house, using Chinese astrology in conjunction to compass methods is essential for the luck of the house and your fortunes. Construction done in the wrong time brings misfortune. Construction done in the right time brings good fortune.
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Raphael's best seller on feng shui, Feng Shui Step by Step was recently reprinted and is available through and at
Raphael is available for Chinese astrological readings and feng shui consultations. To find out more about Raphael's work visit