Sunday, October 4, 2009

Earth in Chinese Astrology and Fengshui

In Chinese tradition there are five elements: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire. When arranged in space, Earth is in the center. All the other elements are rooted in Earth. While Earth is present through the year, Wood comes out in Spring, Fire comes out in Summer, Metal comes out in Autumn and Water comes out in Winter. Earth contains all the seasons. Earth has two expressions, the first is the actual earth on which we live and the other is the North Star. One is called Tu, the other is called Ti. The North Star is called, in the Taoist system, the palace of the Jade Emperor under whose rule universal order and harmony is maintained. In ancient Taoist belief, there is an earth deity called Tu Ti Gong. Tu Ti Gong means the worker of Earth. He is the one who brings messages up to the heavenly court of the Jade Emperor from the people living in the villages and households of the ordinary world. The traditional idea of Feng Shui is to make harmony between the earth and heaven in the dwelling place. When that is done life and fortunes flourish.
The element Earth rules everything necessary and ordinary. It rules food, clothing, housing, money, medicine, marriage, family, motherhood, and so on. In Chinese medicine, Earth corresponds to the stomach, spleen and pancreas, also the flesh and female reproductive functioning.
In Chinese medicine the spleen is considered the central organ of the entire system. The Nei Ching, the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, says, "All the organs desire their breath of life from the spleen. The spleen is the transporter of energy. Spleen regulates the center. From it everything is carried out to the rest of the body-mind domain." If spleen function is sick, such symptoms as malcoordination and lack of balanced connectivity develop physically, emotionally and interpersonally.
About the stomach, the Nei Ching says, "The stomach acts as a place of accumulation as a source of supply." If this function is sick, energy depletion, lethargy and debilitation result. Too much stomach chi, the person accumulates and doesn't know how to use what they have. Too little stomach chi, the person neglects to take in. Too much spleen, the person gives and gives. Too little spleen, the person has trouble sharing.
Earth element, according to Confucius, is equanimity. Everything in life is balanced and in harmony when equanimity if established. Your Chinese astrological chart shows us the condition of Earth element in your personal life as bears on your health and fortunes. In terms of the Feng Shui of your home, Earth is always at the center. It is also found in the Northeast and Southwest areas. If the center of your home is cluttered, your ability to connect and share is impared. If your entire space is cluttered or disordered, you tend to become anxious and disorganized. If the Northeast area is cluttered, you will have financial problems. If the Southwest area is cluttered, you will have relationship problems. Houses with a toilet, euphemistically called the "powder room", in the center, have depleted Earth chi. If you have such a situation, paint the powder room red. Red is the color of Fire. Fire strengthens Earth.

by Raphael Simons
Astrology, Psychic Readings, Chinese Astrology, Feng Shui, Get a telephone consultation or reading

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